Citarum Harum’ is a program to restore the Citarum River. The problem of waste and sewage and the existence of the strategic Citarum River by splitting West Java Province are very supportive of economic growth, especially labour-intensive industries that can absorb a lot of labour into serious problems. Citarum, which is known as one of the dirtiest rivers in the world, urges the government t…
This study estimates the relationship between Forest and Land Rehabilitation policies and the quality and health of watersheds measured by the Coefficient of Flow Regime. The method used is the estimation of the Granger causality relationship. The results of this study indicate that in the short term or less than three years of forest and land rehabilitation does not have a significant relation…
This paper assesses the performance of method targeting and implementation error of social transfer programs in Indonesia, which consists of Raskin, in-kind transfer; Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), a conditional cash transfer; Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP), scholarship program; and Program Indonesia Sehat (PIS), free health insurance for the poor and vulnerable. The logit model of exclusion a…
The reforms triggered by the economic crisis that hit Indonesia and a number of other Asian countries in 1998 have resulted in not only an improvement over a system that has been in force for the past 30 years but also fundamental changes. Although reform is born by a spirit of renewal, in response to the failure of the state to develop a system that can generate prosperity and justice for the …
The paper presents the performance of energy development programs during the 2015-2019 RPJMN period, evaluates them, and proposes some recommendations for that of the next 2020-2024 RPJMN. Energy development programs in the 2015-2019 RPJMN performed quite well, however some indicators such as coal production and the share of new-new and renewable energy in the country’s energy mix were not e…
Public debate on the reliability of rice data is not a new issue. However, recently, this debate has been so intense that the current government takes this issue seriously. There is a lack of explanation to the public on how this issue may occur. Some question the rice production data, while some argue that market and logistic systems do not work fairly. Issues of this rice data lead to the pub…
The adolescent's fertility aged 10-14 years is one of the national and international focus of attention as outlined in Sustainable Development in 2030 target 3.7. To fulfill these targets, there is 3.7.2 indicator regarding adolescent fertility (10-14 and 15-19 years). The indicator that was used to measure adolescent fertility is the Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR). The availability of info…
Strategic issues in dam operation and maintenance are important to meet domestic water needs and the study was conducted by the Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project (DOISP) in two phases. DOISP Phase I was established to continue the Dam Safety Program with the focus on the operational improvement and the safety of dams. The Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project Phase II (DOI…
In Indonesia, the function of the budget is carried out by the government as a branch of executive power in charge of preparing the draft of State Budget and Revenue (R-APBN), together with the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) as a branch of legislative power in charge of participating in discussing and approving the R-APBN, including oversight of the implementatio…
Watershed Management as part of regional development in Indonesia is facing various complex and interrelated issues. It is indicated by the lack of integration among sectors, agencies, regions and community participation. The increasing frequency of floods, droughts, landslides, and water crisis problems recently shows that watershed management in Indonesia has not been effective yet in enhanci…