Buku ini mengulas kebijakan ekonomi dan analisis kebijakan pemerintah, khususnya dalam 20 tahun terakhir. Pada ujung buku dibuat 2 bab yang memuat harapan: tersusunnya sistem ekonomi dan rumusan arah pembangunan masa depan. Berpijak pada pemahaman itu, buku ini tidak mengupas teori ekonomi, namun lebih kepada mengeksplorasi latar kebijakan dan hasil pelaksanaannya. Jika di dalam deskripsi dijum…
Ekonomi moneter merupakan salah satu instrumen penting dalam perekonomian modern. Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan suatu gambaran mengenai dampak kebijakan pemerintah yang dilaksanakan khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi. Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakam laju pertumbuhan yang dibentuk dari berbagai macam sektor ekonomi yang secara tidak langsung menggambarkan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terjadi. Kuzn…
Pengelolaan yang efektif telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dars upaya menangani masalala kawasan konservasi kertas, sekaligus untuk memfasilitas pembangkitan manfaat-mandat ekologi dan sesalkonomi kawasan konservas laut. Agar dapat dikelola secara efektif setiap van konservas but wanh dilengkapi dengan rencana pengelolaan (RP) berorientasi elektivitas pengelolaan Makalah ini menyajikan persy…
Spatial inequality occurs because the rate of availability of geospatial data has not been able to catch up and meet user needs. The root of the problem occurs because the network nodes in the area have not yet been formed or dissolved. The institutional status of network nodes at the provincial level as of October 2018, only 20 out of 34 provinces are operational, with 4 institutional options,…
This article discusses how SOEs prepare themselves in an effort to deal with economic globalization over the demonopolization policy. Demonopolization is a policy undertaken by the government as a commitment to implementing free trade required WTO. Economic globalization is a condition that will not be able to be avoided, a sure step that must be taken by the government is to prepare for the re…
The agricultural sector has been given the largest contribution to economy Indonesia. Besides being able to absorb large numbers of workers, the agricultural sector also has an important role in reducing poverty vulnerability in rural households. This study aims to analyze the role of institutions and technological use in food security which proxied by the food production index in Indonesia, bo…
Happy HAKI is an association of industrial products businesses that have the original one and deserves to be given HAKI. This program under the auspices of the industry trade and sme. Basically a form of “Happy HAKI” as arisan in general the perpetrators UMKM will turn in compulsory payments of every month and will draw straws who will get HAKI.
In business practices, micro and small businesses (SMEs) have several internal and external problems, such as difficulties in the capital. These problems also occur in SMEs in Mojokerto. To solve this SME problem, several stakeholders in Mojokerto collaborated to create a Sharia Financing Program (PUSYAR) on the basis of a Murabahah contract. The implementation of this program has been running …
Sales of video surveillance services, especially those integrated with artificial intelligence-based services, should be anticipated by the Indonesian government because it can affect cybersecurity stability. On the one hand, data obtained from the operation of a video surveillance system can be useful for the benefit of national security and / or law enforcement. But on the other hand, if the …