This study estimates the relationship between Forest and Land Rehabilitation policies and the quality and health of watersheds measured by the Coefficient of Flow Regime. The method used is the estimation of the Granger causality relationship. The results of this study indicate that in the short term or less than three years of forest and land rehabilitation does not have a significant relation…
Bahan bakar lime kiln umumnya berupa gas alam. Keterbatasan cadangan dan peningkatan hargarngas alam mendorong pabrik pulp memanfaatkan sumber energi alternatif seperti batubara dan biomassa.rnBahan bakar ini dapat diimplementasikan melalui pembakaran langsung atau melalui proses gasifikasi.rnLumpur sebanyak 95 kg/ton CaO merupakan biomassa yang tersedia di pabrik pulp. Lumpur ini memilikirnnil…