The reforms triggered by the economic crisis that hit Indonesia and a number of other Asian countries in 1998 have resulted in not only an improvement over a system that has been in force for the past 30 years but also fundamental changes. Although reform is born by a spirit of renewal, in response to the failure of the state to develop a system that can generate prosperity and justice for the …
Pembangkit daya termoelektrik TEG (Thermoelectric Generator) telah lama digunakan untuk menghasilkan energirnlistrik di mana ketika perbedaan temperatur terjadi antara dua material semi konduktor yang berbeda, elemenrntermoelektrik ini akan mengalirkan arus sehingga menghasilkan perbedaan tegangan. Prinsip ini dikenal dengan namarn'efek Seebeck' yang merupakan fenomena kebalikan dari efek petti…