Di balik reputasi sebagai negara produsen dan pengekspor bahan-bahan tambang terkemuka, Indonesia memiliki banyak kegiatan pertambangan rakyat skala kecil yang digolongkan sebagai PETI (pertambangan tanpa izin). Covid-19 memperjelas posisi mereka yang rentan terhadap aspek kesehatan, ekonomi, sosial, hukum, dan lingkungan. Perlu mengubah kebijakan dengan memberi tempat bagi kegiatan pertamban…
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan menurunnya perekonomian dan aktivitas di berbagai sektor dan wilayah di Indonesia. Walau economic shock yang disebabkan oleh pandemi Covid-19 berangsur mereda seiring stabilnya pasar keuangan domestik dan menggeliatnya beberapa sektor perekonomian. Akan tetapi mengingat sifatnya yang memukul baik sisi penawaran mau pun permintaan dari perekonomian, upaya pemul…
Indonesia is a developing country that is vigorously seeking to boost its economic growth. One of the nine programs to encourage national development is to improve the quality of civil servants, to strengthen the capacity for policy design and implementation in ministries and institutions, and hence to improve public service delivery. Some researchers argue that many developing countries have a…
The quality of education in Indonesia has not improved even though poverty rate has fallen. As education accelerates economic growth and productivity, improvement in education, especially in early childhood education is a must. Not only determines macroeconomics indicators, but education also determines microeconomics indicators such as people’s income. As education needs tuition fee, family …
Government expenditure is one of the factors driving the economic growth of a region. During 2010 to 2017, realization of Banten government expenditure continued to increase from 11 trillion to 36 trillion. However, Banten's economic growth from 2011 to 2017 tended to slow down from 7.03 percent to 5.71 percent. This study aims to determine how the impact of government expenditure on Banten eco…
The realization of Social Sustainability is one of the important indicators of achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) in 2030. The social aspect becomes an important indicator in measuring the achievement of sustainable development with a human approach as the subject. This study produces a composite index that will be used to compare social development between provinces in Indonesia. …
The stock markets are becoming an essential and inseparable part of the economies in many countries, including Indonesia. The fact that stock markets indices become one of the indicators to determine the healthiness of country economics showing the importance of the stock market in a country. Whenever the stock market experiences a substantial decline, there is reason to fear that a recession m…
As major developing countries have limited domestic saving to generate capital accumulation, capital inflow plays substantial role to provide external financing. Several landmark literatures provide an empirical evidence that capital inflow contributed to the acceleration of economic growth through technology transfer, enhanced innovation, and capital accumulation. This research examines the ro…