Otonomi daerah menuntut pemerintah daerah yang kreatif dan inovatif. Tulisan ini mengupas kreativitas pemerintah daerah dalam menyusun roadmap.
Penelitian ini tentang Implementasi Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan ( PATEN ) dalam mendekatkan dan meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat di Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau.
Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa e-Government hanyalah masalah teknologi, padahal faktor non-teknologi juga tidak mempengaruhinya, bahkan cenderung lebih dominan.
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas problematisasi diskresi dalam UU Administrasi 2014. Diskresi merupakan salah satu isu yang dibahas dalam UU Administrasi yang memberikan pedoman hukum bagi birokrat dalam menjalankan tugasnya.
The were some problems in th e hand over of housing infrastructure, facilites , and utiities by developers to local governments. Since the issauance of minister of home affairs regulation number 9 of 2009, only small numbers of housing PSU have been handed over by the housing developers the local government.
Jakarta is one of the areas with high urbanization number and its impact, so it requires local government to control the urbanization to minimize its negative impacts. On the other hand, the rights to freedom of movement and residence throughout the territory of Indonesia are guarenteed by the law.
Since elected as the regent of north Gorontalo periode 2013-2018 varios programs, especially with regards to inproving of the people, have been done well by Indra Yasin so far. The sucess of development in North Gorontalo district is considered inseparable from the political communication undertaken by the regents in managing the governtemnt.
Decerallizatoin is expected to reduce property, through fiscal decentralization, property may be reduced may optimizing intergovernmental grants. However, its effect on property is beginning to be questioned after some districts in Indonesia showed slowing performance on property redubction despite increasing transfer.
Fiscal decentralization reform era started since january 1st, 2001, with the implications of changes from centralized to highly decentalized. Unfortunately it led to a greater dependence on the local governtment to central government through the intergoventment transfer.