Spatial inequality occurs because the rate of availability of geospatial data has not been able to catch up and meet user needs. The root of the problem occurs because the network nodes in the area have not yet been formed or dissolved. The institutional status of network nodes at the provincial level as of October 2018, only 20 out of 34 provinces are operational, with 4 institutional options,…
Kapasitas produksi industri kertas di Indonesia diperkirakan akan terus meningkat menyebabkanrnpeningkatan air limbah yang dihasilkan. Air limbah industri kertas yang telah diolah pada InstalasirnPengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) biologi pada umumnya langsung dibuang ke lingkungan dan masihrnmengandung materi organik serta unsur hara seperti nitrogen dan fosfor yang belum termanfaatkan. Salahrnsatu …