Makalah ini menggunakan model perbedaan-dalam-perbedaan untuk mempelajari dampak partisipasi modal ventura (VC) pada karakteristik dewan. Sampel kami mencakup perusahaan yang terdaftar di pasar perusahaan pertumbuhan (GEM) di bursa saham Shenzhen China selama periode 2009 hingga 2014. Ukuran karakteristik dewan kami adalah dualitas chief executive officer (CEO), skala dewan direksi, dan propors…
Using the difference-in-differences (DID) model and taking the sample of companies listed from 2009 to 2014 on the Growth Enterprises Market (GEM) of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China, this paper studies the impact of Venture Capital (VC) participation on board characteristics, which is measured by the chief executive officer (CEO) duality, the scale of the board of directors and the proport…