The government system running in Indonesia is a combination of presidential systems and parliamentary systems. Based on the 1945 Constitution, Indonesia adheres to a presidential system, but Indonesia, in implementing there are many parts of the parliamentary system that are included in the Indonesian presidential system. The strengthen presidential system effort is still carried out, one of wh…
Fermentasi mikroba mampu mengolah lim bah lignoselulosa j erami padi menjadi beberapa komoditas denganrnnilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Fermentasi secara aerob akan menghasilkan kompos, dan karbondioksida. Sementararnitu proses fermentasi secara anaerob akan menghasilkan silase, biogas dan sludge. Review ini bertujuan melakukanrnstudi komparatif terhadap prospek dan potensi pemanfaatan jerami padi m…