Dengan sampel probabilitas rumah tangga nasional 4023 remaja telepon-diwawancarai usia 12-17, penelitian ini memberikan prevalensi, komorbiditas, dan faktor risiko untuk gangguan pasca trauma Data stres (PTSD), episode depresi mayor (MDE), dan penyalahgunaan zat / ketergantungan (SA / D). Kira-kira 16% dari anak laki-laki dan 19% perempuan memenuhi kriteria minimal 1 diagnosis. Enam bulan preva…
Control and eradication of a number of infectious diseases are primarily attributed to effective vaccination programs. A concerted effort is still imperative to develop novel vaccines and improve the immunogenicity of existing ones with regards to efficacy, immunogenicity and safety. Rational design of vaccines using subunit vaccines is a potentially safer alternative to conventional vaccines, …